Thursday, April 8, 2010


Its been awhile since I've posted. Medical issues and back problems. Thats over and I'm feeling great! April Fools day..gone...Sarah's birthday went by. Easter was fun. My grandson came over the day before and helped me get ready. We had fun out in the back yard. He set up stunts to preform while I used my sport mode on my camera.We had so much fun. Then later Michelle(my daughter-in-law) came over and we dyed some eggs.Later, after Michelle went home Justin and I went out back and had a fire in my little fire pit. It got so smokey that we had to put it out and go back
Easter Sunday was nice. We(my family) had a great dinner and sat around afterward and relaxed and talked. Now its all over and I'm back to getting the yard in shape and taking photos of course. Today my Mom and I are going to get our lettuce plants............

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